Corporate Business Applications In Digital Transformation In Collaboration With IFS Turkey
1 April 2021

During the pandemic, we keep on reaching out to us through our online meetings with meticulously selected topics and esteemed guests.

In our professional life where digitalization gets more and more important, we carried out another informative meeting which, we thought, would be significant for you.

On April 1, 2021 Thursday, from 02.00 to 03.00 P.M., we held the said meeting where we hosted IFS Turkey, which as you know is a company that is operated in leading corporate business applications in Turkey and around the globe, and we are delighted to bring them and you, our esteemed BEYSAD members, together.

During this event, we had the opportunity to gain detailed information on Corporate Business Applications Solutions that play a central role in the digital transformation of the sector and lead the sector from IFS Turkey’s CEO Ergin Öztürk and IFS Turkey’s Assistant General Manager Göksel Sanbay. 

We would like to thank all our members who participated in the event which was held with about 30 people and wish to see you at the next events.

BEYSAD (White Goods Suppliers’ Association) continues to hold online meetings since the very early days of the pandemic. We keep on our endeavors to have important topics and qualified guests for our members. We would like to remind you that we are always open to your ideas and suggestions.

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